Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives

Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives
Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives
Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives
Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives
Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives
Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives
Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives
Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives
Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives

Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives

Bee' happy with this wonderful honey extractor. Simply insert your honey frames and spin to extract your delicious honey.

Holding an impressive 2-4 frames, extract ample honey in no time at all. The hand crank mechanism is a simple yet effective way to spin your honey frames. This amazing honey extractor also comes with a handy bee brush! The soft bristles harmlessly remove your bees, keeping them safe and sound.

What are you waiting for? Lots of yummy honey awaits! Amazing honey extractor with a simple hand crank mechanism. Holds an impressive 2-4 honey frames.

Transparent lid for great viewing. FREE bee brush to harmlessly remove bees from your frames.

Inner Basket Dimensions: 26 x 45cm. Floor to Top Handle Height: 110cm. Handle and Crank Assembly Length: 66cm.

Honey Outlet Valve Material: Plastic. Height: 1.1m / 110cm / 43.3. Depth: 0.66m / 66cm / 26.

Width: 0.48m / 48cm / 18.9. Please note: The honey extractor does not include the honey sets.
Manual Honey Extractor Separator 4 Frames Stainless Steel Barrel Beehives

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